Category: Web

Most of you would be aware of the impacts that the major social media corporations have on individuals’ algorithms and overall content viewing but over the years it has become evident that they are not the only ones regulating the content which you consume. The Australian Federal Government passed a new Online Safety Act last […]

Prepare for the future with Google Analytics 4!  Now’s The Time! Google Universal Analytics is a thing of the past! Google plans to close their current standard analytics tool on July 1, 2023. So, we all need to move our website analytics over to GA4 or lose our legacy analytics data. Google’s analytics were innovative in their generation of desktop website performance measurement and in discovering the benefits of cookies. Google Analytics 4 has some […]

When is it Safe to Log On?

Welcome to 2018! We’re back up and running, and checking in on your security practices. The Christmas period has been a reminder for us that many of you work off-site from time to time. Unfortunately, logging in to your website outside of your normal office set up can often come at a security risk. We’ve […]

New next generation iPhones released by Apple

This week you may have heard the hype about Apple releasing its latest editions in the iPhone series. For weeks now, there have been many rumours and leaks regarding Apple’s new flagship phones and on Wednesday, Apple made it all official. It was a big announcement that started off with a new Apple Watch. The Apple […]

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The law of diminishing returns (done is better than perfect)

We know the struggle of businesses wanting to only show their best. The website is almost done but there’s that one last thing you want to include. In the world of web there will always be something that’s almost-there-but-could-be-better. How do you know when a project is ready? Remember: a website is a living document. […]

7 Ways To Energise Your Website

1.Whendid you last add a “news” article? If your last blog entry or product update is over a month old, chances are your website may look out of date to a prospective client who visits it. Consider connecting your blog to social media like Twitter, Instagram or FaceBook for easy frequent updates. 2.Have you reviewed […]

Finishing Off 2014

We are the first .au domain reseller to be officially accredited by AUDA and issued with a reseller number, meaning that SWiM will now appear in the Whois domain results!

Domain Renewals: Don’t get scammed!

If you have received any letters asking you to renew or purchase any domains, make sure you look out for signs of being scammed. Usually these will come from a generically named company that you would not know of, nor be addressed to a name of an actual person either. Take note of the similarities […]

Featured Work – Ganache Chocolate & Godek International

Ganache Chocolate (Online Store + Mobile Site) We have recently launched a new look website for Ganache Chocolate, a specialty chocolate shop in Melbourne. This website also includes a custom chocolate box selector where customers can fill up boxes with a selection of their favourite hand made chocolates. Ganache also have two Melbourne shops, South […]

MailChimp Experts

Did you know that we are one of only a few accredited Mailchimp experts in Melbourne? We are helping an increasing number of clients transition their database from traditional to digital communications. There’s an added bonus of using an Expert to set up your account – give us a call today!

Want To Know Who Won The Election?

Members of the Australian Web Industry Association have elected SWiM’s Director, Joe Manariti, to be Vice Chairman for a third successive term. Joe hopes to continue advancing the professionalism of our industry. Feel free to contact Joe if you’d like to learn more about AWIA or its Widelines code of practice.

You Don’t Have To Be Crazy!

We have become aware that Crazy Domains is under investigation by the industry regulator. We are concerned there will be troubled times ahead and we strongly recommend that anyone currently using Crazy Domains should reconsider their registrar. If you would like help selecting a new registrar please contact us for advice. For further information on […]

Category Killer Domains Available

Premium domains are coming onto the market. Fairfax is liquidating their online assets, this includes premium domains that have been held by Fairfax group for many years. SWiM has recently helped clients obtain domains such as and Domains like this are category killers that give a huge advantage in terms of general marketing […]

PhysioHealth – Not Just Digital

SWiM has recently re-branded PhysioHealth. We have taken this brand evolution and applied it to a new look Website, a Mobile Site, Electronic Direct Mail, Social Media, Signage and Outdoor Event Collateral. The results are fantastic and the feedback PhysioHealth are receiving is amazing! Smiling Physios all around. Check out the work – in particular […]

Who’s looking after your Domain?

Who’s in charge of your domain registration and renewal? You want to make sure that the person who handles the invoices is paying attention. Here is an article from Consumer Affairs Australia. For more information or if you think something isn’t looking quite right get in touch with auDA – auDA is a Federal Government-endorsed […]

Is your website mobile optimised?

Is your website optimised for mobile? We hope so, of the world’s 4 billion mobile phones, 1.08 billion are smartphones with a staggering half of all local searches in Australia being conducted via mobile devices. Follow this link and see how your website looks when viewed on a mobile device. Until the end of June we […]