Prepare for the future with Google Analytics 4! 

Now’s The Time! 
Google Universal Analytics is a thing of the past! 
Google plans to close their current standard analytics tool on July 1, 2023. So, we all need to move our website analytics over to GA4 or lose our legacy analytics data.
Google’s analytics were innovative in their generation of desktop website performance measurement and in discovering the benefits of cookies.

Google Analytics 4 has some added benefits that every business needs!GA4 operates across different platforms; desktop, mobile and even apps! It can collect data from all environments to gain a deeper understanding of your customer and their consumer journey.It uses an event-based data model to deliver user-centric measurement and does not rely exclusively on cookies. This allows for more detailed and specific information about your traffic.
Move over to GA4 now!
Our team at SWiM Communications will make things easier for you during this transition. You will have the choice of paying one fee of only $198 inc GST and we’ll do the job for you. Easy peasy! 

Would you like this done for FREE?
Just purchase a prepaid block of 5 hours of work, and we’ll transition your analytics at no charge. (That’s $900 + GST for the block of hours)
Contact one of our friendly team members today!