Have a glance at some case studies:

Online Criminal Database and Incident Reporting - MA Security
The security field force possesses the ability to report an incident in real time, with a photo, and record it against a database of known offenders. All from their mobile phone. Team members can access incident reports to review linked to their actual location based on GPS data collected from previous incidents.

Financial Record Keeping And Benchmarking - SMSF Benchmarks
Investors can record and track the success of their self managed super funds and compare results to other investors with similar profiles - all 100% confidentially.

Sales Incentive Portal - Australian Life Insurance
This allows agents to view incentive products and purchase them with earned reward points - all linked to the company's internal management software.

Assets Register - RiskTech
This web app allows an inspector to tour a facility and record assets of note, link them to a photo taken on their device and its GPS location. The asset can then be linked to maintenance or safety schedules, and have actions tracked for compliance. Regular reports are created and converted into board room ready PDFs.

Risk Assessment and Management - RiskTech
Corporate exposure to risk is minimized via this online portal which helps inspectors collect and record qualified recommendations that make workplaces safer. The portal generates Board Room ready reports, at the click of a button, in both online and PDF format.

Online Sports Medicine Resource - PhysioHealth
At the conclusion of a sports medicine consultation, a patient is sent a rehab schedule, including instructional video, frequency and repetition instructions, along with the practitioner's notes. This is linked to the patient record database.