Which character are you most like when it comes to spam?

Find out how our characters deal with spam emails and the results of their actions.



Rob wants to eat spam but he’s thinking about the wrong kind of spam. We’re talking about deceptive and malicious emails, find out how to identify them here:

10 ways to spot spam



James replies to spam and in turn gets an increase in the volume of spam emails he receives. He has confirmed that his email is live and that he is responsive. Every time he opens an attachment from someone he doesn’t know his computer is subjected to viruses.



Mel ignores spam and deletes it, she continues to get roughly the same amount of spam and is tired of sifting through it every morning to find the legitimate emails.



Joanne reports spam. She thinks of it like a neighbourhood watch, reporting suspicious emails lurking around the internet so others don’t have to worry about receiving the same deceptive email. Naturally, the spammers become wary of sending her communications in fear of being caught.


Want to be like Joanne? Here’s how to report spam

Simply forward the message along to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA):

More information on the ACMA website.

The more spam you report the less you will receive.


Need to take it further?

To report a cyber incident you can contact:

  • The National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT Australia)
  • Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN)
  • The police