Category: Resources

Enhancing Website Security: SWiM’s Proactive Approach to Protecting You Online

Over the past few years there has been an increase in cyber-attacks and data security breaches – a concerning trend that seems set to continue. Close to home, companies like Medibank and Optus have suffered significant attacks, amplifying the need for online security measures. However, the vulnerability to these attacks extends beyond just large companies […]

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The recipe for one successful startup business

The folks at Dish and Spoon certainly know how to cook up a storm! We can all learn a thing or two from their exceptional practices. Dish and Spoon came to us last year with the idea of supplying dinners for families who would rather spend time together instead of preparing meals. While we were […]

Build a stronger connection with your audience through storytelling.

Did you know our brains remember stories better than cold hard facts? The art of storytelling is ancient and continues on because it remains an important part of our being and our history. A large portion of our entertainment comes in story form and our mind creates stories where we aren’t being told one. Have […]

10 ways to spot spam

With so many emails entering our in-boxes how do we know which are legitimate and which should be deleted? Scammers are becoming better at disguising themselves and we all need to carry some degree of scepticism in spotting these emails. Sharpen your spam detection skills with these 10 ways to spot spam.   1. Do […]

What is responsive email design and why should I use it for my email campaigns?

Try re-sizing this window. Notice how the content moves depending on what size your window is? This is responsive design! It means that your email will look good no matter what size device you’re using to access it. It’s more important than ever before to have a design that works well on both desktop and mobile […]

SWiM embraces a new design tool

Sketch is software that is built specifically for digital designers and has gained massive traction within the industry in the past year or so. It has been around since 2010 and can be a more effective alternative to Photoshop for concept web design. Sketch is that link between designing in the browser and designing in […]