Category: ICANN Buenos Aires

Day 9 – Fri 22/11 Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina.

Leaving on a jet plane for Lima. Up for the airport at 4:00 AM. Hence, there is no day 9 report due to a lack of Zzzzzzzzs. The Wrap Up. We have much to be proud of. ICANN truly demonstrates that it’s dedicated to maintaining an Internet available to all. Reliably. Smooth administration, transparent record […]

Day 8 – Thurs 21/11 Last Day: Bingo!

Breakfast on Calle Florida is pleasant change from conference coffee. The street is colourful, lined with change touts mumbling “Cambio, Cambio”. The don’t bother me. My heritage camouflages me. Until I speak, anyway. Back to the Sheraton, I’ll pop into some contrasting sessions to flesh out my understanding of ICANN. I try a GNSO meeting, […]

Day 7 – Wed 20/11 Whois & Whocares?

Whois. What? Whois. That’s how we start the day. Whois is an online protocol that allows us to look up very basic information about a domain. Who owns it and some very basic configuration settings. It is a fundamental tool used in domain admin. And it’s going to be overhauled. This meeting was about how […]

Day 6 – Tue 19/11 Acronyms, Acronyms, Acronyms. And a Laugh.

Promises to be a big one. Today is the main stage for the ccNSO – the Country Codes Names Supporting Organisation. This is where .au and our overseas equivalents find voice and discuss common issues. Coffee is getting increasingly difficult to find upstairs. Never a good sign. I enter “La Pampa” room. “Oh, your from […]

Day 5 – Mon 18/11 Let the Show Begin!

Official opening ceremony address. This got quite build up yesterday. Our orientation lead compared listening to ICANN CEO, Fadi Chehade, to listening to Steve Jobs. He certainly has the onstage strut. Next off to a brief on the new Global Top Level Domains; .shop, .club etc. 1930 applications at $US185,000 each. Round 3 for Monday, […]

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Day 4 – Sun 17/11 ICANN for Beginners

Walk to the Sheraton on a bright sunny day. Get the feel of the venue and into the newcomers session. Howdy Paul Szyndler! On with the headset for the English translation. Whoa! What’s that I just saw? 90 minutes in, and someone has sniffed my laptop via Bluetooth and enabled screen sharing. Lucky I saw […]

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Day 3 – Sat 16/11 Buenos Aires 101: Hello San Telmo

Wake very late morning, trashed by travel & jet lag. Skip breakfast, it’s lunch time anyway. 30 minute walk to San Telmo. Wow. I love this place. Antiques, artesenas (handicrafts), trash and treasure. More “lomito” steak for lunch. Back to the hotel – time for further review & research of ICANN48. Early evening off to […]

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Day 2 – Fri 15/11 First Meet & First Meat.

Yup, you get two Fridays when you double back over the IDL – you may as well start getting used to acronyms. They happen in bulk in this landscape. Arrive BA, meet Don Hollander, a polyglot Kiwi from the US and many other places. Share a cab from the airport, thus defeating the touts. Settle […]

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Day 1 – Fri 15/11 Destination, Yes, ICANN!

Over 17 hours of flying time + airport time from Melbourne to BA via Auckland & Santiago. Plus a 3 hour flight delay in Santiago. Comic relief provided at Santiago transit terminal in the form of a disgruntled transit passenger throwing a classical Hispanic tantrum. Absolutely no toys left in the cot. Additional comic relief […]

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Where’s Joe?

So just where am I? Why have I gone to Buenos Aires? Let me rewind a bit. Many years ago I went to register my first domain: I was told I couldn’t have it as it was a “dictionary word”. That was an early auDA rule. But that’s the name of my business? After […]