Walk to the Sheraton on a bright sunny day. Get the feel of the venue and into the newcomers session.

Howdy Paul Szyndler! On with the headset for the English translation.

Whoa! What’s that I just saw? 90 minutes in, and someone has sniffed my laptop via Bluetooth and enabled screen sharing. Lucky I saw it activate. Shut that down quick.

My first chosen session (and there are over 220 to choose from) is epic – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

It welcomes us as newcomers with open arms. Encourages us to engage fully.

Explains the acronyms and what they actually do – what’s their patch in the multi-stakeholder model.

How do I make the most of this conference? A big download. Actually am getting the feeling that my research has paid off. I’m keeping pace comfortably. So far.

Brief chat with Desleigh Jameson, CEO of Instra. We’ll need to talk further. Met an Argentinian Interpol officer (who can’t help me find my phone).

ICANN 15th Anniversary Gala tonight. I better suit up.

Gala runs well. Addressed by Vint Cerf & Stephen Crocker, two of the Internet’s founding fathers. Their passion is plain to see. Met many interesting people.

9:00 PM and it’s back to San Telmo with new friends for “parilla”. What a stroke of luck – the plaza has been turned into an open air tango school. Great atmosphere.